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About addressing:

Where can I buy a required "address sign" for my property/home? 
The East Feliciana Parish 911 Commission has the required signage for sale. The price per sign is $20.00                
It is recommended to purchase your signs directly from the 911 Commission so accurate address verification can be done in our office. We are located at:   11050 Bank Street,  Clinton, La 70722

 The Ethel Fire District received a grant before the sign ordinance was revised. This allowed them the option to use RED signs for their district only. However, ALL NEW signs will be required to be GREEN to be in accordance with the ordinance. Existing RED signs are "grandfathered" in only in the Ethel Fire District.

*** April 1,2012 is the deadline for existing structures to have the appropriate signage properly displayed in order to be in compliance with the parish ordinances. If you have already purchased a required sign and it is deemed necessary to change your address, the 911 Commission will replace the sign for the correct one at no cost to you.

Each individual structure on a servitude MUST BE IDENTIFIED in order to receive a servitude sign. The 911 Commission will provide the servitude sign only after each individual structure is identified by the required signage.

What is the purpose of the mandated sign?

The sign is used as a uniform locating marker by fire and rescue, ambulance, and law enforcement personnel to lessen response time in the event of an emergency. It has been utilized in numerous other regions, and has been proven, to be effective in saving lives and property. The personnel responding to an emergency have been trained to look for these signs, as it has been proven to be the most effective way to locate the scene of critical importance. It is much more difficult and time consuming to locate a property if there are different types locating markers. The few minutes it may take to differ one location to the next without the mandated sign, can make the difference in a story of survival or tragedy. These signs are designed to HELP YOU.  
About 911:
When should I call 9-1-1?

Call 9-1-1 whenever you need a response from the police, sheriff, fire department, or ambulance service. Please DO NOT hesitate to call. We are here to safeguard your health and safety.

Examples of 9-1-1 situations-

                                                       CRIME IN PROGRESS  
                                                       LIFE-THREATENING SITUATIONS
                                                       WHEN SOMEONE NEEDS AN AMBULANCE
                                                       WHEN PERSONAL INJURY HAS OCCURED OR MAY OCCUR


How to use 9-1-1?

1. Dial 9-1-1...........

2. Try to stay calm and speak slowly

3. Tell the dispatcher what is happening: For example; "I want to report a....."  fire, crime, car accident, heart attack, whatever the case may be

4. Give the EXACT location where help is needed

5. Answer all questions

6. DO NOT hang up until you are instructed to do so.     PLEASE DO NOT HANG UP!

What happens when I call 9-1-1?

When you call 9-1-1, your call is routed/sent to your local police or fire dispatch center. They will ask you questions to find out more details about your situation, including a verification of your address. By giving detailed answers you are helping to provide the best possible response for your situation.

How soon will help arrive?

All 9-1-1 calls are prioritized according to the severity of the situation. For example; a crime in progress will take priority over a crime that happened yesterday.

What if my situation gets worse?

If your situation changes please call us back. We may need to reassess your situation.

What if I am hearing impaired?

TDD users can access 9-1-1 directly. Pressing the space bar several times may help the response to your call.

Can I call 9-1-1 from a pay phone or cell phone?

YES. All 9-1-1 cell phone calls are free and pay phones require no coins to make a 9-1-1 call.

9-1-1 Emergency Services are always ready to help 24/7.